Make your own easy and affordable carpet freshener  for yourself or as a gift. This is an AMAZING aroma, insect repellent, and carpet powder that you will always want to have for your home. Obviously there is a reason I have been stuck on it....because it works! Most of you already have what you need to make this and if you do not contact me and I will help get you all the way together 😘.

🚨All you need is🚨

⭐️1/2c to 1c of baking soda.

⭐️10 or more drops of your choice of essential oil. 

⭐️A glass salt and pepper jar.

You will love the smell and how it freshens your home and carpet! 

Find video here:


If you are concerned with this diy because you have pets, throughly vacuuming after treating carpet is VERY important. Ultimately, if you have concerns, talking with your trusted vet is a good idea.

Please note that simply4youoils accepts no liability for misuse of essential oils or for the information provided by us via our ecommerce site or other Social Media channels. This is for personal information and interest only. It is not intended to offer professional medical advice or treatment for any condition. You should not use our site or advice within to treat health conditions or to self-diagnose. We recommend that you consult your GP or nurse if you have any health concerns whatsoever.

These statements are of my own experience. Please do your own research and do what is best for your home and health. 

1 comment

  • Lisa

    I love the smell of purification and have always wanted to do some diy’s with my essential oils but never did. This one sounds like an easy start that I will have to give a try. Thanks for sharing!

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